Qigong with Kim

Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World

What is Qigong? Why learn?

An introduction...

Qigong has been practiced for thousands of years in the East, and yet is relatively new in the West. 

Whilst many people have heard of Tai Chi, less people are aware of Qigong.

Tai Chi is in fact a form of Qigong - it's a particular style of Qigong. And truth be told, Tai Chi can be a lot more difficult to learn than other forms of Qigong. 

There are hundreds of schools and thousands of styles of Qigong, and over the past 25 years I have had the privilege of studying and becoming certified to teach 3 styles of Qigong:

  1. Universal Healing Tao Qigong
  2. Zhineng Qigong
  3. Ren Xue Yuan Gong Qigong

These days I practice and teach mainly Ren Xue Yuan Gong.

Benefits of Qigong

Qigong has enormous benefits for the mind and body, too many to write on this page, but here are a few:

  • Calming the chitter-chatter monkey-mind
  • Creating feelings of deep peace and harmony
  • Causing feelings of deep connection with self and others
  • Strengthening muscles, tendons and bones through strengthening Qi
  • Improving muscular-skeletal alignment
  • Easing muscular-skeletal tension in the back, torso, limbs, head & neck
  • Turning on the body's self-healing abilities
  • and much more

Qigong is easy to learn, safe to practice, and effective in bringing health benefits.

Have a browse through the website to find out more.

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My Story

How I overcame chronic illness and transformed my life with Qigong.

Kim Knight - Qigong Teacher

Home Study

Comprehensive online study courses and group online trainings. 

Online Study Courses

Ren Xue Yuan Gong

Yuan Gong Qigong - a pathway to self-realization and wisdom. 

Ren Xue and Yuan Gong

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