Overcoming Resistance to Qigong, Yoga and Meditation Practice

Online Workshop with Ren Xue teacher Kim Knight

27 September 2024 NZT (day before USA UK)

Attend live and / or watch on demand

Is this you?...

  • You have great intentions to practice regularly, but find yourself making excuses and putting it off...
  • You know your Qigong (yoga or meditation) practice benefits you immensely, but somehow it's always easier to find something else to do...
  • You get frustrated with yourself for breaking promises to yourself, and beat yourself up mercilessly...

You're not alone!

Whilst some of your friends and Qigong / yoga / meditation buddies seem to find it so easy to create a consistent, regular practice, (and you secretly envy them for being able to do so), it's not the same for you.

Despite making 'New Year' type resolutions over and over again, you stumble along, practicing inconsistently, beating yourself up more and more for seemingly 'failing'.

I want to tell you it's OK. You're OK.

You're not alone. And you're not a failure. 

Many Qigong, yoga and meditation practitioners have difficulty creating a regular practice.

Since starting to learn and practice Qigong, yoga and meditation 30 years ago, there have been certain practices (methods) I've found easy to do, and have done regularly and consistently, and others not so much...

So I know first-hand the frustrations of battling with creating a consistent daily practice. I have delved deeply into the reasons why, and explored how to turn this around.

In this one hour online masterclass, we will explore core reasons for procrastinating with our Qigong (or yoga / meditation practice, and most importantly tips and tricks to turning this around. See the full workshop outline below.

Overcoming Resistance to Qigong / yoga / meditation Practice

Workshop Outline & Logistics

Friday 27th September 11am - 1pm NZT

= Thursday 26th September 4-5pm USA PST

Live online and recorded for on demand viewing

In this workshop you will:

  • Learn 5 practical and immediately implementable tips and tricks for overcoming resistance to practice
  • Experience a guided 'Ling Yuan' journey to explore the root causes of the resistance, in order to create a different outcome
  • Be taken on an exploratory journey to overcome 'perfectionism', one of the most common reasons for 'practice procrastination'
  • Have plenty of time to ask questions and get help with your particular 'stuck' patterns

If you're ready to kick your 'practice procrastination' to the kerb, join me for this 2 hour online training!

Included in workshop: a workbook for helping you to identify and move through your own particular resistances!

Useful note: the content in this workshop will be applicable for any kind of self-help personal development practice you are having difficult being consistent with... eg yoga, meditation, Qigong...

Registration for New Zealanders

$37 NZD

Earlybird price until 20 September NZT (50% off)

Register Now

Registration for rest of world

$25 USD

Earlybird price until 19 September USA (50% off)

Register Now

About Kim

Kim is a fully certified level 8 Ren Xue Yuan Gong Qigong teacher. She began learning Qigong in 2000, when she unexpectedly met her first Qigong teacher whilst travelling the world, searching for answers for the chronic illness she had been experiencing for many years. 

She immediately began training in several of the methodologies offered by this Qigong system, which led to her to be able to heal herself from chronic fatigue syndrome and several other chronic conditions. By 2006 she was a fully accredited Qigong practitioner.

In 2008 she felt something was missing in her Qigong practice, and began seeking a new teacher. A year later came across Yuan Tze and immediately knew she had found the Qigong master she had been looking for. She started training in Zhineng Qigong which Yuan Tze was teaching at the time, completing the 8 level practitioner training, and then later trained in Ren Xue and Yuan Gong when it was launched in 2012, completing the 6 year teacher training in 2018. In the 9 level Yuan Gong system, she is particularly interested in the trainings related to transformation of consciousness - Tong Yuan heart consciousness and Ling Yuan patterns. 

Kim has also been working since 2006 as a root cause and lifestyle medicine practitioner, teaching people how to overcome chronic illness without supplements or medication. Her special focus is chronic fatigue and pain conditions (CFS, ME, fibromyalgia, burnout etc) and getting to the root stress-trauma-emotional-environmental causes of physical symptoms. 

She is also the founder of the Emotional Alchemy Academy, which offers a suite of online programs for learning to master one's emotional life.