7 Steps to Transform Emotional Patterns

Free yourself emotionally distressing situations and transform unhealthy patterns of consciousness.

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7 Steps to Emotional Freedom

Free webinar

If you've ever wondered why it is certain situations and people 'get you down', and then you find yourself stuck in a negative cycle of thinking and feeling, this free training will show you exactly why this is. Using real-life examples you will learn how the mind works to keep you trapped and unhappy, and the 7 steps you can take to free yourself of this downward spiral.
Although the training is targeted to students of Ren Xue, especially those using Ling Yuan to dissolve unhealthy patterns of consciousness, anyone can gain insights into their own personal emotional patterning by attending this webinar.
I will also give an overview of the full online training for dissolving negative emotions which cause ongoing unhappiness and illness.
Is it time to set yourself free? Join me to find out more. Register above and details will be emailed automatically. 
Plus as soon as you register above, you will get access to previous introductory videos about the Emotional Freedom training.