Surrender and Trust.
The Trust Series.
Let go of fear, doubt, uncertainty and worry.
Learn how to live in, with and from indomitable trust.
A practical training in how to trust life... the universe...and you.
Scroll down for details and registration.
Level 1 - 'A Taste of Trust'
First step: Learn the 7 unhealthy habits we all need to stop, and the 3 new healthy habits we must start, if we want to experience an authentic state of inner peace and trust.
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Level 2 - 'Rediscover Trust' Training
Learn simple, proven, practical techniques for instantly turning on trust and stopping fear. Put these new techniques into practice to see the immediate difference in your life.
Register NowLevel 3 - 'Deepen (Regrow) Trust' Meditation Training
Learn and practice a special 'Trust' Meditation for growing a deep state of trust in your heart. This short daily guided meditation will help deepen and transform your ability to trust yourself, others and the world.
Register NowWhat people say:
I have so enjoyed your Trust series! It is so relevant to me working on Trust at the moment. It is the little everyday incidents that happen in my life where I lacked Trust.
I love you sharing your own examples as a way of helping us to understand what lack of Trust is. Your comment that 'everything that has happened in my life & everything that is happening now, was / is meant to happen' is very freeing. Although I have heard this before it's something that doesn’t come to my mind when challenges happen in every day life, and I tend to get caught up in the story or patterns.
Your way of presenting the series is so easy to understand and I am beginning to have more awareness now to bring Trust into my everyday life when the unexpected happens.