10 Tips for Ling Yuan practice

ling yuan patterns Nov 09, 2022

If you are practicing Ling Yuan (the 'patterns clearing' method of Yuan Gong), either thorugh the 'formal' Ling Yuan method, or through general everyday life observation, here are a few tips for helping your Ling Yuan 'patterns transformation' practice:

1. KEEP IT SIMPLE 'BY THE BOOK' (to start with)

When you first learn the 8 formal step Ling Yuan method, along with the 10 fundamental unhealthy patterns of human consciousness, it's good to do things 'by the book' to start with. In other words, just keep it simple. Familiarize yourself with the 10 fundamental patterns, and use them in the 8 step Ling Yuan method. This can keep you busy for years! 

Then, once you feel comfortable and very au fait with both the 8 step process, and the 10 fundamental patterns, you can add in the 20 supplmentary patterns, and spend some time working with them. This can keep you busy for a few more years!

And once you have done this, or as you are doing this, you will find that you start...

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Solving World Problems - The Missing Piece?

Most of us can see the world is overrun with problems, and has been for some time. 

Poverty, crime, sickness, unhappiness, cruelty, distress, economic strife... and the ongoing seemingly insane 'pandemic' crisis which has disrupted everyone's lives beyond our wildest expectations. 

The list of human troubles and strife is long.

Many well-meaning people are working hard to make things better...

Activists, health professionals, lawyers, the average person on the street - we are all endeavouring to resolve these issues and make our own lives and the world a better place.

But there is one small problem which may actually be a big problem, because it could be the one missing piece preventing us making better and faster progress:

A fundamental understanding of the root cause of the problem, and how to change it at a fundamental level.

In my work as a root cause analysis coach I learned the hard way through many years of trial and...

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What is a Wisdom Civilization?

"It is through the development of Jingshen (wisdom) civilization that we can get out of this mire: by recognizing the importance of our heart, and letting realization and wisdom guide our lives. A true civilization is a Jingshen civilization at the core, leading the material civilization. The material civilization serves the Jingshen civilization".
Yuan Tze

Recently at our annual Ren Xue training, Yuan Tze (founder of the Ren Xue system) shared on a topic which is undoubtedly one of the most pressing concerns of our time, if we are to not only make it through our current 'Covid' crisis, but beyond this to survive as a civilization:

The choice between humanity evolving as a 'material' vs 'wisdom' civilization.

Material Civilization

"The pandemic is an opportunity for humans to slow down and look inwards, and discover what needs to be changed, individually and collectively, for us to move forward. We urgently need this opportunity".

Whilst many of the developments of humanity over...

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How to Keep Your Heart Open in Crisis

A message from Yuan Tze, April 2020
How do we keep our hearts open when the world is in turmoil? You see all the suffering and you feel the pain.
‘It is a dilemma’, you may think, ‘when I open my heart to the world, I also invite vulnerability and suffering to myself’.
Let’s examine this further.
What would your reaction be at this time?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious?
  • Do you feel angry and wanting to blame?
  • Do you feel hopeless and fall into despair?
These reactions may seem reasonable or even ‘natural’.
However, in looking closer, do you see the possibility that the pattern of Avoiding and Hiding could play a part in it, especially in directing us to find ‘refuge’ in patterns which lead to these common reactions?
Why can’t we face reality?
Because it is difficult and we need to close our hearts and divert ourselves in order to feel better and safer....
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Why Seek Enlightenment?

As one develops greater self-realization (realization of the 'True Self' as opposed to the 'false self') and wisdom, one of the the first major milestones of this ongoing growth is reaching the state of consciousness often referred to as 'enlightenment'.

So what is the purpose of reaching of enlightenment?

Well, it's not the end-goal itself: As with many goals, it's the 'precessional effect' of the goal which is of real value*.

The precessional effect of self-realization is a state of understanding and wisdom which is to be found far beyond normal human cognitive function. It's a giant leap beyond, in fact so far beyond that it is incomprehensible to describe or experience until one has reached this state.

As self-realized master Eckhardt Tolle says "the finger pointing at the moon is not the same as the moon". The reality is we will not have a full comprehension of this state until we reach it, but that doesn't mean we cannot and should not strive...

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