One of the hot topics of the day (well, century) is Ai (artificial intelligence).
In the video interview above*, ex-google officer and Ai expert Mo Gawdat speaks out about the dangers of AI, saying 'we are approaching the point of no return', ie, the point when AI intelligence will outstrip human intelligence, which could cause much harm and danger.
For decades now this topic has been hinted at more and more, especially in movies. Do you remember 'Bicentennial Man' with Robin Williams, made in 1999, and the troubles this robot-man went through as his consciousness developed?
So what is it we really need to understand here?
Well, it's not just about Ai or human intelligence: it's about understanding the difference between human knowledge and divine WISDOM.
And it's about the need to learn about the different levels and dimensions of existence which constitute 'reality', and how we are mostly ignorant of many of these dimensions, at our peril.
And here's where much of the probl...
What is your experience of your personal Qigong practice?
Is it easy for you? Do you jump out of bed each day eager to practice without any trouble?
Or are you, like me, someone who has to work everyday at 'making yourself' achieve a consistent practice?
Despite learning and practicing Qigong since 2000, and benefiting from the amazing consequences of this health methodology, I can't say it's been an easy ride.
Whilst some exercises and techniques have been relatively easy (eg sitting meditation) other practices have been harder, despite their enjoyability and ease (which for me personally has been standing and moving Qigong practice).
So why is this?
Why is that something SO immeasurably beneficial and enjoyable, can create so much resistance to practice?
Well, as we know in Ren Xue, it comes down to PATTERNS! Those pesky unhealthy patterns of consciousness which drive our every thought, feeling and behaviour.
And as we know (if you've studied Ling Yuan Patterns Transformatio...
If you are practicing Ling Yuan (the 'patterns clearing' method of Yuan Gong), either thorugh the 'formal' Ling Yuan method, or through general everyday life observation, here are a few tips for helping your Ling Yuan 'patterns transformation' practice:
When you first learn the 8 formal step Ling Yuan method, along with the 10 fundamental unhealthy patterns of human consciousness, it's good to do things 'by the book' to start with. In other words, just keep it simple. Familiarize yourself with the 10 fundamental patterns, and use them in the 8 step Ling Yuan method. This can keep you busy for years!
Then, once you feel comfortable and very au fait with both the 8 step process, and the 10 fundamental patterns, you can add in the 20 supplmentary patterns, and spend some time working with them. This can keep you busy for a few more years!
And once you have done this, or as you are doing this, you will find that you start 'painting outsi...
In Taoism and Qigong, we talk a lot about being 'natural' and following the 'laws of nature'. We call this 'following the Tao' (the natural way).
In lawyer Karen Ruth Skolmli's wonderfully enlightening video series on the law and legal system, we learn how 'natural law' sits at the top of the pyramid of jurisdiction. In Taoism and Qigong, it is the same.
In Qigong, we learn that as humans it is most beneficial for ourselves, and others, and all of life, including everything on the planet, to live in harmony with the laws of nature. To be 'natural'.
As we become more self-aware and learn about ourselves, we also come to see that 'what is natural has become unnatural, and what is natural has become unnatural'.
What does this mean?
It means that over the years and centuries our way of life has strayed more and more away from what is 'natural'.
For example, being constantly stressed has become the 'norm', and it's often seen as a badge of honour to be 'busy, busy, busy' - but just ...
"It’s all falling apart right now as we face energy crises, banking crises, climate-change crises, energy crises, food crises, ecological crises and more, and we don’t have the slightest idea what to do about it".
So reads the opening line from Lynne McTaggarts' recent blog (posted in full below).
It is clear our world is in crisis.
Crisis happens when change is needed and overdue.
Crisis happens individually if we ignore the signs for change - usually these crises turn up in the guise of health issues, relationship difficulties, work challenges, financial strains...
The good news is, as long as we make the necessary adjustments to get back on course, our body, mind and life will re-harmonize, restoring balance, integrity (wholeness) and harmony.
Now the crisis is happening collectively, and the turning point to it becoming glaringly obvious was the onset of the 'Covid' crisis.
The universe is clearly telling the human race that it can no longer operate as it has been doin...
Now, more than ever, we all need to do what is necessary to bring positive change to our world, in order to QUITE LITERALLY save ourselves from self-destruction.
What most people are still unaware of is that REAL (true lasting) progress comes from changing OURSELVES from the inside out, one person at a time. It's an individual AND group endeavour.
Without this fundamental change, we will keep re-creating 'the SAME OLD SAME OLD' (groundhog day) mistakes, no matter how well-intentioned we are, because unless and until we make fundamental INTERNAL change, we are still operating from unconsciousness and IGNORANCE, rather than WISDOM.
Global Awakening Day was created a few years ago as an annual event to bring awareness to this change.
Ren Xue founder Yuan Tze says:
"The world we are living in is facing grave challenges.
Crises of all sorts are threatening the survival of many species, including our own.
Problems are rampant, causing pain, suffering and ch...
"Often it is only by being completely broken that we are ready to do things differently… see things differently… act and behave differently".
Here is my simplistic birds-eye view of what is happening in the world today, and why it's happening.
It's a short-cut to all the theories and waffle:
Mankind has lost its way on the path of the 'Tao' (the natural way).
We have been pillaging the earth, abusing nature... animals... each other... causing havoc and harm, through greed… selfishness… ignorance.
When we lose balance, and cause harm, there are consequences, because we live in a universe of cause and effect ruled by universal laws.
We have been ‘breaking the laws of life’. The laws of life include the laws of health.
One of the consequences of breaking the laws of life and health is that the human ‘system’ loses balance and gets sick.
This happens individually when we lose balance personally… and then collectively once too many people individually have lost balance.
Every h...
"According to the Hindu scriptures, everyone and everything living and non-living, are journeying towards ultimate emancipation – ‘moksha’ - or self-realization. None of us can escape from that… some day there will come a time when the pendulum of the mind will come to a standstill and the mind, along with all its thoughts and emotions, will disappear – it has to happen". Swami Amritaswarupananda*
What does 'work' mean to you?
What does 'productivity' mean to you?
What does contributing to society mean to you?
Recently at the 'Better Way' conference for the World Council of Health, I spoke on 'turning the tanker of our consciousness inwards', and why this individual and collective act could be the 'missing piece' to solving humanity's problems.
For years... my whole life... I've been conditioned to think, and believe, that 'putting in a good day's work'... day after day after day... year after year... is the epitomy of living a worthy and productive life.
My ability to feel ...
Most of us can see the world is overrun with problems, and has been for some time.
Poverty, crime, sickness, unhappiness, cruelty, distress, economic strife... and the ongoing seemingly insane 'pandemic' crisis which has disrupted everyone's lives beyond our wildest expectations.
The list of human troubles and strife is long.
Many well-meaning people are working hard to make things better...
Activists, health professionals, lawyers, the average person on the street - we are all endeavouring to resolve these issues and make our own lives and the world a better place.
But there is one small problem which may actually be a big problem, because it could be the one missing piece preventing us making better and faster progress:
A fundamental understanding of the root cause of the problem, and how to change it at a fundamental level.
In my work as a root cause analysis coach I learned the hard way through many years of trial and error that the key to solving a problem is to identify ...
"Only when I grew older did I realize that it was wrong to use violence to stop violence and that I did it to soothe the extreme pain I was feeling in myself".
The following is a very interesting discussion on harmony, conflict, and anger towards injustice, written by Yuan Tze, founder of the Ren Xue system of life cultivation:
"Harmony is a state of peace and balance, a state free of conflict. Harmony nurtures growth. When harmony is present, no harm is done.
I would like focus on one thing that often disrupts harmony – *anger*, in particular *anger in reaction to injustice*.
When facing injustice, is anger necessary for the change we wish to instigate? Many people believe that without anger, there will not be enough momentum to raise the awareness of the issue and drive the change. They believe that anger is, therefore, the necessary first step for change. Some people also believe that anger is necessary for self-protection when we are under attack. It turns fear into the str...
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